Saturday 3 August 2013

More Tan Codes - Fay

Dear readers. 

Are you tired of using the same tan code over and over again?

Are you looking for a new one?

Want to look different from your friends?

Well, I'm here to give you those codes :D

You can chose from Lighter Tan Codes,  to Darker Tan Codes. Which-ever suits you.

Lighter Tan Colours:                                            

1) #D6A370
2) #E0AD7A
3) # EAB784
4) # F4C18E
5) #FECB98

Darker Tan Coloures:

1) #C28F5C
2) #B88522
3) #AE7B48
4) #A4713E
5) #9A6734

Ciao Guys x

Fay x


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